Malaria CSO regional networks represent malaria CSOs on a local level. The Heads of Regions work directly with KeNAAM secretariat. There are currently four regional network offices in Africa:
The regional networks support civil society and community networks and organizations on conducting situation analysis and planning, by accessing the evidence that they need to ensure that funding requests adequately reflect and respond to issues related to human rights and gender. They monitor and follow-up grant implementation through active participation in the relevant country coordination mechanisms.
The regional network supports civil society and community networks and organizations to meaningfully engage in the country dialogue, through training, mentoring and advocacy. They also support organisation through internal Technical Assistance. The purpose of this fund is to provide finance for technical aid to assist organisations in strengthening their internal systems and increasing their capacity to manage the cooperatives more effectively.
The regional networks support civil society and community networks and organizations on program design, plan, and budget for program interventions for inclusion in funding request and grant making.
The regional networks are an effective platform to coordinate communication among Malaria CSOs. To further encourage collaboration amongst organisations, the network supports the establishment and development of country partnerships and organisation networks.
Click here for contact details of malaria CSO regional network offices.