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Membership Criteria and Obligations

Membership Criteria and Obligations

  1. Membership is open to non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, faith-based organizations, and private sector organisations with interest in malaria control and related health issues.
  2. Must be a registered legal entity with a valid certificate of registration.
  3. The mission of the organisation should include health interventions/components as a key area of focus.
  4. Must be committed to addressing Roll Back Malaria initiatives either at community, county, or national levels
  5. Must agree to abide by the Alliance’s guiding principles.
  6. Membership will be based on registration and annual subscription. Registration and subscription fee will be determined by the board and approved by the members from time to time
  7. No member who will not have paid the annual subscription by the date of the AGM shall be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting.


Founding Members

These comprise the organisations that founded and established the network. The list of the organizations is contained in Annex 1 of this constitution. Founding members shall have full voting rights in General Meetings provided they have paid their annual subscription fee in line with Article 3.1(6).

Ex-Officio Members

These shall include any Government Ministry or Agency whose mandate covers any aspect of KeNAAM’s objectives and work and especially the Ministry of Health. Ex-Officio members shall have no voting rights in General Meetings.

Honorary Members

These are individuals, organisations, foundations, companies, and development partners invited by the Board in recognition of their contribution to development, health or malaria control. Honorary members shall have no voting right in General Meetings.

Life Members

These are organisations that will have been admitted into membership by the Board of Management and have paid registration fee. In addition they will pay a onetime life membership fee as set by the Board of Management. Life members do not subsequently pay annual subscription fee. Life members shall have full voting rights.

Ordinary Members

These are organisations that subsequently apply and are considered for membership provided that they meet the membership criteria and have shown interest and commitment to the work of the KeNAAM. The admission of such organisations into the membership of KeNAAM shall be approved by the Board of Management. Ordinary members shall have full voting rights in General Meetings provided they have paid their annual subscription fee in line with Article 3.1(6)

Associate Members

These are organisations that have expressed interest in the work of KeNAAM but do not meet the full membership criteria or their mission may not substantially include health interventions/components as a key area of focus, or may not be directly involved in addressing Roll Back Malaria initiatives. They may include:

Non-governmental organisations, community-based organisations, faith-based organizations, and private sector organisations.

  1. Bilateral & multilateral organizations.
  2. Networks dealing with health and malaria intervention;
  3. Individuals actively involved in health and/or malaria activities.
  4. Associate members shall have no voting rights in General Meetings.


  1. The Secretary shall keep an up to date register of members.
  2. The register shall contain:
    a. The name and address of each member which shall include physical address,telephone, and e-mail.
    b. The date on which each member was admitted to the Alliance.
    c. If applicable, the date of, and reason(s) for termination of membership.
    d. the date on which each member was
  3. The register shall be made available to any member for inspection. Such a member must have
    given at least 7 days notice of the intention to inspect the register.



a.There shall be registration and subscription fee as shall be determined by the Board of Management and approved by members in a General Meeting. These shall be subject to change from time to time.

b.The Board of Management shall have the power to establish registration and annual subscription fee that is differentiated to reflect the different type of organisations that seek membership of the Alliance. The fee for Life Members shall however be uniform for all types of organisations.

Discontinuation of Membership




Inactive Members

Any member desiring to resign from the membership of the network shall submit a letter to the
Board of Management, giving at least thirty (30) days notice of its intention to cease being a
member. The membership shall cease upon the expiry of such notice

  • Any member may be suspended from the membership by the Board of Management by a two-thirds majority vote if having considered any recommendations or advice by the secretariat, the Board of Management is of the opinion that such member is guilty of conduct inconsistent with or harmful to the purposes and/or objectives of the network or that such conduct brings or tends to bring the network into disrepute.
  • Such suspension shall remain in force until the next Annual or Special General Meeting at which the matter shall be tabled and determined by the meeting.
    During the period of the suspension the suspended member shall not be entitled to any privileges or services from the network.
  • Upon re-instatement of membership of any such member, the question of privileges or rendering of services by the network during the period of suspension may be reopened solely at the discretion of the Board.
  • Any member suspended from the membership shall have the right to address the General Meeting which shall consider the question of its membership.
  • A member shall be expelled from the network when a General Meeting considering the membership of such a member shall resolve by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members present in favor of such expulsion.
  • No member shall be liable to expulsion except where such a member shall have previously been suspended by a two thirds majority vote of Board having considered the recommendation or advice of the Secretariat.
  • Any registered member of the Alliance who does not participate in any of the Activities of the Alliance for a period of three years shall cease to be a member and shall be deleted from the register of members.
  • A member whose name has been deleted from the register for being an inactive member shall be notified in writing within 30 days from the date when a resolution has been passed by the Board of Management to delete the name.
  • A member whose name has been deleted from the register of members for being inactive and seeks to be reconsidered for membership shall re-apply for membership in line with Article 3.2 of this constitution.

Membership Responsibilities

Adhere to the vision, mission, core values, objectives, guiding principles and policies of the Alliance.

Adhere to the Alliance’s Code of Conduct.

Support and participate in the programs and activities in the best interest of the Alliance, and in determining strategic direction of the Alliance

Participate actively in national and regional forums where they exist.

Communicate on a regular basis and share experiences, technical information, and updates related to RBM initiatives.

Meet any criteria set by the Alliance for accessing appeal funds for RBM and related activities.

Pay membership fee and any other financial obligation as set by the Management board in a timely manner.

Submit relevant reports that may be required by the Alliance.