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In achieving its Vision, the following pillars that have been designed to integrate malaria in all aspects will be implemented. KeNAAM will leverage on her years of experience and track record in malaria advocacy to deliver this pillars. While the entry point is malaria intervention areas will integrate other aspects of health particularly maternal, neonatal and child health.

1.       Maternal Neonatal and Child Health: Strategic Objective: To reduce maternal mortality and child morbidity through the provision of integrated services
2.       Policy Advocacy, Networking and Knowledge Management:Strategic Objective: To influence an enabling malaria and health sector policy environment, through policy advocacy & knowledge management systems.
3.       Community Health Systems Strengthening:Strategic Objective: To improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable communities through strengthened innovative systems.
4.       Internal Management Support Systems:Strategic Objective: To develop an agile internal institutional framework of systems, structures and accountabilities that deliver on the work of partners and the mission of KeNAAM
5.       Capacity building for partners:Strategic Objective: To build the capacity of partners to be able to deliver the mission of KeNAAM