In achieving its Vision, the following pillars that have been designed to integrate malaria in all aspects will be implemented. KeNAAM will leverage on her years of experience and track record in malaria advocacy to deliver this pillars. While the entry point is malaria intervention areas will integrate other aspects of health particularly maternal, neonatal and child health.
Under this pillar, the KeNAAM works towards reducing maternal and child mortality and morbidity through the provision of integrated services. KeNAAM uses its existing malaria program to scale up community uptake maternal health (reduced maternal mortality rate); child health (reduced child morbidity and mortality rates) and nutrition (improved nourishment of under-5s) delivered through the integrated programs.
Under this pillar, KeNAAM scales up her competencies in advocacy, to include policy, networking and knowledge management in the realm of malaria and related health conditions. The main objective here has been be to influence an enabling malaria and health sector policy environment, through policy advocacy & knowledge management systems. The main interventions areas are;
Under this pillar, KeNAAM works to make a contribution to the community health strategy. The main objective here is to improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable communities through strengthened innovative systems. These systems include;
The outcome of the Organisation Capacity Assessment processes, environmental scanning (SWOT analysis) and current trends in interventions around the health sector have precipitated the need for institutional strengthening arrangements for KeNAAM. At strategy level, KeNAAM has crafted the Internal Management Support Systems pillar, whose objective is to develop an agile internal institutional framework of systems, structures and accountabilities that deliver on the work of partners and the mission of KeNAAM.
Intervention areas that have been signed out here are
The overriding theme around this pillar is to ensure that KeNAAM conducts its program business from an operational hub that endeavours to attain the highest level of efficiency (value for money) through employment of innovation and scaling interventions
In the new strategic dispensation KeNAAM has been maintaining a lean secretariat at headquarter level and rolling out interventions countrywide by making grant to partners. The objective of this pillar has been to build the capacity of partners to be able to deliver the mission of KeNAAM. The main intervention areas include;